How resilient is your supply chain?

“Amateurs discuss tactics; professionals discuss logistics.” - Napoleon In a move to improve national resilience the UK government is considering intervention on the repatriation of key capabilities.  At the same time many attitudes to trade with China are shifting. Europe’s future trading...

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Are You Ready For ‘The Dance’?

Tomas Pueyo talked of  ‘the hammer’ needed to tackle the immediate impacts of coronavirus and ‘the dance’ as we navigate towards recovery. That dance has begun. In this weekend’s Sunday Times Business Risk Special Report we share our thoughts on how coronavirus has exposed resilience...

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Supply Chain Resilience

“No man is an island”, wrote the 16/17th century English poet John Donne and the same can be said for organisations and nations today. In the world that John Donne inhabited change of significance yet to be appreciated was on its way as nations strove to discover new oceans, lands and trade...

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