How resilient is your supply chain?

“Amateurs discuss tactics; professionals discuss logistics.” - Napoleon In a move to improve national resilience the UK government is considering intervention on the repatriation of key capabilities.  At the same time many attitudes to trade with China are shifting. Europe’s future trading...

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Are You Ready For ‘The Dance’?

Tomas Pueyo talked of  ‘the hammer’ needed to tackle the immediate impacts of coronavirus and ‘the dance’ as we navigate towards recovery. That dance has begun. In this weekend’s Sunday Times Business Risk Special Report we share our thoughts on how coronavirus has exposed resilience...

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Cyber Resilience: Lessons Learned or More of the Same?

“Lessons must be learned” said the UK Home Secretary in the aftermath of WannaCry.  But will those lessons focus on ‘cyber security’ or will you take a holistic approach to assess, review and validate your cyber resilience capability? The Cyber Challenge Most organisations conduct their...

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Managing Information and Actions in a Crisis

In an earlier post we talked about the need to manage the process by which crisis decisions are taken and talked about the OODA Loop (read Decision Making or Analysis Paralysis).  In this post we going to present some concepts around how to speed up the OODA Loop. If you can get your decision...

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The Sum of the Parts…

Have you noticed the recent chatter about divorcing continuity and risk management?  It seems to me that this mindset is anchored in a cloudy, blinkered mentality.  At R2 we're really clear about the value of both risk management and continuity, and more importantly about how they fit together...

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