Decisions, Decisions, Decisions!

We’ve been talking on our blog recently about supporting crisis decision making through information management, and attempting to speed up the OODA Loop. On the last post we highlighted the principles of managing decisions and making sure they achieve what you intended them to. This post looks...

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Crisis Decision Making – Top 5 Tips

In previous posts we examined information management and operating a fast OODA Loop. This post looks at some tools to help crisis decision-making. Here are five things to consider. 1. Key Questions: Have a system to guide your decision making that analyses the situation and allows you to use...

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The Sum of the Parts…

Have you noticed the recent chatter about divorcing continuity and risk management?  It seems to me that this mindset is anchored in a cloudy, blinkered mentality.  At R2 we're really clear about the value of both risk management and continuity, and more importantly about how they fit together...

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