Training and Rehearsing the Control Centre

Having a control centre in place does not guarantee that leaders will be properly supported in a crisis. That requires people in roles and teams that know what they are doing and that the strategic management have confidence in. To equip your control centre staff with the knowledge and experience...

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Crisis Decision Making – Top 5 Tips

In previous posts we examined information management and operating a fast OODA Loop. This post looks at some tools to help crisis decision-making. Here are five things to consider. 1. Key Questions: Have a system to guide your decision making that analyses the situation and allows you to use...

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Managing Information and Actions in a Crisis

In an earlier post we talked about the need to manage the process by which crisis decisions are taken and talked about the OODA Loop (read Decision Making or Analysis Paralysis).  In this post we going to present some concepts around how to speed up the OODA Loop. If you can get your decision...

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Decision Making or Analysis Paralysis?

A crisis brings many pressures to bear.  Leaders at all levels will be faced with choices about the 'least worst' option, with little time, inadequate resources and sparse information upon which to rely; they'll have to navigate the challenges of the crisis.  The path ahead won't be clear....

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